Franciscan Moment Podcast
Like St. Francis and St. Clare, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity seek to see the good and holy possibility in our world. Enjoy life with us.
43 episodes
Franciscan Moment Podcast: Don't Give Up, Grow Up by Sister Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Teresa Bettag invites us to not give up, but to grow up as we face life's difficulties.

Franciscan Moment Podcast: San Francisco se transformó como Amigo de Cristo
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Carmen Marie Diaz reflects on the "Stigmata of St. Francis". This year Franciscans celebrate the 800th anniversary of St. Francis when he received on his body the five wounds of Jesus.

Franciscan Moment Podcast: Called to Be Free By Franciscan Sister Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Teresa Bettag reflects on Lk 11:29-32 encouraging us to admit that God made us free to be the person we were called to be.

Franciscan Moment Podcast: Be the Surprise the World Needs by Franciscan Sister Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Teresa Bettag reflects on the Good Samaritan in Luke 10 and invites us to be the surprise the world needs.Sister Mary Teresa is a Theology teacher at Yuma Catholic High School and a cro...

Franciscan Moment Podcast: Crisis in Trust by Franciscan Sister Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Teresa Bettag reflects on Mt. 16:24-27 and comments on a 'crisis in trust' among us.

Franciscan Moment: La Cruz de Nuestro Señor Jesús Cristo por Hermana Carmen Marie Diaz
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Carmen Marie Diaz reflects on La Cruz de Neustro Señor Jesús Cristo.

Franciscan Moment Podcast: Most Embarrassing Moment by Franciscan Sister Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sr. Mary Teresa Bettag reflects on Lk 6:6-11 and shares on her "Most Embarrassing Moment". Sister teaches at Yuma Catholic High School.

Franciscan Moment: Winners' Attitude Yes to Good No to Bad by Sr. Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Teresa Bettag reflects on Matthew 23. Focus on Winners Attitude-yes to good means no to bad.

Franciscan Moment: Groan in Silence by Franciscan Sister Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sr. Mary Teresa Bettag offers a reflection on Ezekiel 24: 15-23 on how to 'groan in silence'.

Franciscan Moment: Engage the Heart by Franciscan Sister Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sr. Mary Teresa Bettag reflects on Matthew 17:22-27 and encourages us to 'engage our hearts'.

Franciscan Moment: Transfiguration Mk 9:2-10 Reflection by Sr. Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sr. Mary Teresa Bettag reflects on the Gospel of Mark 9:2-10 for the Feast of the Transfiguration.

Franciscan Moment: Allow God to Love You by Franciscan Sister Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Teresa Bettag reflects on the Gospel of Mt 13:44-46. Unique to her sharing are comments on the use of this reading at her sister Regina’s wedding.

Franciscan Moment: When Life Changed by Sister Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister Mary Teresa Bettag reflects on Jn. 1:35-42. She encourages us to be awake to the NOW.

Franciscan Moment: Loving God Too Little by Sr. Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Teresa Bettag asks the question "Can you love other things too much?" Find interesting trivia on the Chicago Bears as well.

Franciscan Moment: Sister Marie-Kolbe Zamora on Synod/Synodality Aired in Africa
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sr. Marie-Kolbe Zamora shares an interview she recently gave to Vatican Radio on the Synod / Synodality. It will be aired (in segments) in English-speaking Africa for a few weeks.

Franciscan Moment: Annunciation with Sister Mary Teresa Bettag
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Teresa Bettag reflects on the Gospel for the Annunciation and invites listeners to think about any regrets you might have in your lives.

Franciscan Moment: Becoming a Franciscan Sister Teacher
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Elena Gonzales interviews Sister Maria Guadalupe Martinez Lopez on her graduation and anticipation of beginning student teaching to become a Franciscan Sister Teacher at Roncalli Elementary School, ...

Franciscan Moment: Becoming a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Novice
On this Franciscan Moment Podcast Sister Elena Gonzales interviews Sister Michelle Marie Ozuna on her recent becoming a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Novice.

Franciscan Moment Podcast: Holy Week 2023
As a follower of St. Francis of Assisi, Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Elena Gonzales invites us to reflect on Holy Week. Franciscans are known for their prayer of the Stations. During these coming days, we encourage you to...

Franciscan Moment Podcast Consider January Discernment of Spirits Retreat 2023
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Elena Gonzales invites young women ages 20-35 to consider a Discernment of Spirits Retreat January 13-14, 2023. Sister Jacqueline Spaniola leads on presenting the practical wisdom of St. Ignatius of...

Franciscan Moment Podcast: Advent Week 4 with Sister Jan Villemure
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Elena Gonzales interviews Sister Jan Villemure on this 4th Week of Advent. Be inspired to live these last days before Christmas with a renewed spirit.

Franciscan Moment Podcast: Christmas Musicals by Sister Carol Juckem
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Elena Gonzales interviews Sister Carol Juckem on her love for Christmas Plays and creating her own productions for Elementary grades in Catholic Schools.

Franciscan Moment Podcast Sister Jan on Third Week of Advent
Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Elena Gonzales interviews Sister Jan Villemure for the Third Week of Advent on the Franciscan Moment Podcast. Listen for more spiritual insights.